Saturday, February 2, 2008

Last Weekend to Canvass Before Super Tuesday

This is the last weekend before Super Tuesday. I know that all of us here are tuned into what is going on, but many of your neighbors are not. For example, prior to joining this movement, I'd never voted in a presidential primary. I never even knew when they were. This weekend is crucial for door-to-door canvassing. If you remind people that there is a vote on Tuesday, and of what is at stake, you can motivate a lot of people to vote this weekend. This is what it is all about -- getting people to come out and vote.

If you haven't done so, go to the campaign site and become a precinct leader. You'll get a list of addresses of known Republicans and Independents in your neighborhood. Take a few hours this weekend to visit them and drop off some Ron Paul literature with a reminder to vote.

If you need literature, it is too late to order it and get it in time. Contact your local Meetup group - they likely have some for you. Otherwise, you can download it directly from the campaign site, take the file to Kinko's or some other local copy shop, and have your own printed up. Precincts are small, but you have the opportunity to make a big impact in yours!

Good luck to us all on Super Tuesday, and thank you Ron Paul.