Friday, January 25, 2008

Chris Dodd and ACLU - Petition to Stop FISA

President Bush wants Congress to pass a bill that lets the government spy on the phone calls and emails of Americans without a warrant.

He also wants a bill that makes sure the truth about illegal spying on the emails and phone calls of Americans is never exposed. He does this by stopping lawsuits against phone companies that illegally handed over the phone calls and emails of Americans to the government.

But very soon, the Senate will vote on a bill to regulate spying on the emails and phone calls of Americans. What we don’t know is whether Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will ask the Senate to take up a bill that was written closely with the Bush administration, or a more reasonable bill.

Tell Senator Reid you don’t want lawbreakers to be let off the hook. And you don’t want the government to seize your phone calls and emails without a warrant.

The bill Bush wants stops pending lawsuits against phone companies that illegally handed over the phone calls and emails of Americans. Stopping lawsuits that could uncover the truth about illegal spying lets him off the hook. And it gives no incentives for companies to follow the law in the future.

Senator Reid needs to hear from every American who wants him to stand up for our privacy and not let phone companies off the hook. You can take action by signing a petition to Senator Reid now.